Shop 16 153 Mann Street, Gosford, NSW, 2250 | 10/36 Alison Road Wyong, NSW 2059
02 4323 6834

PARTIAL METAL FRAME DENTURES: Central Coast Dentures | Dentures Gosford | Dentures Wyong


Metal frames replaces some missing teeth, aesthetics and function, but the base is a metal frame, and it is considered a definite alternative that may last up to 10 years and more in some cases. They last as long as the teeth and tissue supporting the denture stays in good condition.

Metal frames are stronger, thinner and have additional components that aid to preserve the teeth and soft tissue, that it is directly involved with the denture. The design and size of the frames vary according to how many teeth are being replaced, where are the missing teeth and bite relationship, this is determined by a design analysis prior construction.